Find Useful Students Resources
Hotspot maps
We collaborated with the Universities of Leeds and Manchester to create these interactive maps that provides a list of businesses and services that cater for black-heritage people across the city. The aim of the map is to reduce the feelings of cultural isolation that many students encounter by connecting them to a wider community whilst studying away from home. You can read more about the research and rationale for this area of work here.
phenomenon pack
Imposter Phenomenon (aka Imposter Syndrome) affects 83% of people at some time but is particularly prevalent for minoritised groups. Our resource materials are designed to help students talk about their imposter thoughts and adopt strategies to reduce them to a quiet whisper.
Career videos
Our Career Talk videos offer an insight into careers in which black-heritage professionals are traditionally under-represented. It is our hope that by sharing them, students will be able to appreciate the variety of careers that are available to them.